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What's It All About?

Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that creates balance in your body’s energy or Qi.  There are hundreds of acupuncture points in the body which run along pathways called meridian channels.  The energy in these pathways circulate throughout the day and night to maintain harmony in our bodies.  When Qi (energy) stagnates, we start to experience pain, dysfunction, irregularity or illness.  

What's With All The Hype??

Acupuncture is different from Western Medicine in so many ways.  The main difference is  all of the small things that you may write off as miscellaneous problems – a chronic runny nose, slow digestion & feeling cold - actually MEAN something as a part of a larger pattern in TCM.  These patterns of seemingly random symptoms are what help us to find your core issue.  So when you’re treated, you are not only treated for your main issue, but a whole slew of issues that may be plaguing you.  This is why TCM is a holistic medicine.  This is why TCM works so unbelievably well.  

What Can It Treat?

Acupuncture can treat a myriad of symptoms including gut/digestion problems, painful or irregular periods, menopausal symptoms, headaches/migraines, ED, constipation, unusual sweating, allergies and of course, musculoskeletal pain...just to name a few.  If you have a problem, you can bet there is an acupuncture point that can help!

Are You Ready To Begin Your Holistic Health Journey?  Contact Us

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