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Welcome to Union Yoga & Physical Therapy!

Your one stop shop for holistic healing.  Here we strive to address the body as a whole to ensure that you can be your best, most functional you.  Each session is a private 60-minute treatment that is spent entirely with Dr. Danielle Rose. 


I hope to see you soon!

Balancing Form & Function

Did you know that you can have foot pain that starts in your back?  That numbness in your foot could be coming from your neck? Hyperextended knees can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction? Or even that a C-section scar can lead to painful intercourse?  The body is a beautiful, amazing and very complicated machine.  And one of my favorite parts of therapy is sleuthing out the actual root of the problem.  At Union Yoga & Physical Therapy, we will avoid the band-aid method of healing and work towards solving the true underlying problem.  In the end, I want you to be the best possible you.

Find Your Yoga

If you’re interested in yoga, you’re in the right place!  I have been teaching & practicing yoga for over 20 years.  It is my first love and I endeavor to share it with all who are interested.  I offer private or semi-private yoga sessions for either 30 or 60 min.  These sessions are tailored specifically to your needs; requests for poses to work on is welcomed!  I am happy to conduct these either online or in person.  

Hip flexor stretch with bent knee.jpg

For Pelvic Floor Therapy, I currently treat only Women’s Pelvic Health.

Yoga Classes at Home Annandale, Springfield VA

Let Union Yoga & Physical Therapy help you find your path to pain-free health & wellness.

Finding Wellness through Physical Therapy in Springfield, Annandale & beyond

Union Yoga & Physical Therapy is a home-based office that is situated in a small community, conveniently located right off of Little River Turnpike & 495.  It’s a private, quiet office space that is accessed directly from the driveway.  There is no waiting room or front desk to deal with; only you and the therapist.



8207 Woodland Ave.

Annandale, VA 22003

Available Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 7pm ​​

Yoga & Physical Therapy Center Annandale, Springfield VA
Ashtanga Yoga
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